Sandy Lee-Connolly

Sandy-lee Connolly

Group Head of Talent and Diversity at Keller

Sandy’s mission is to invest and empower individuals to flourish in and out the workplace.

As Group Head of Talent and Diversity, Sandy-lee has dedicated her career to empowering individuals to thrive both within and outside the workplace.

Working in close collaboration with the Executive Leadership Team, Sandy plays a pivotal role in driving progress towards diversity, equity, and inclusion at every level of the organisation. Additionally, as a member of Keller’s Sustainability Steering Committee, she leads the charge on Gender Equality, a key United Nations Sustainable Development Goal.

Sandy-lee was instrumental in Keller’s Foundations of Wellbeing, a transformative global framework aimed at nurturing all dimensions of wellbeing.

Beyond her professional achievements, Sandy-lee’s passion for mental health is clear. In 2019, she joined the board of Mind in Mid Herts, a local mental health charity.

More from Sandy-lee Connolly

12 Minutes of Workplace Health Podcast Episode #21

Boosting your wellbeing with nature

Eating Disorders in the Workplace