Julie Robinson, Founder of MenoHealth

Julie Robinson

Julie created Menohealth to make it easier for women to get the advice and support they need to help them through the ups and downs of menopause.

Having spent her career encouraging people to be more physically active, after her personal experience of menopause, Julie created Menohealth to make it easier for women to get the advice and support they need to help them through the ups and downs of menopause.

At the age of 36, Julie had to have a hysterectomy and was advised against Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT): “I had no idea that the long nights of insomnia that plagued me for years were anything to do with menopause. Nor did I associate the heart palpitations that led to me being admitted to hospital, with menopause. It was a throwaway remark by the consultant, who assured me I wasn’t having a heart attack, that this disruption to the heart rhythm is often associated with ‘the change’.” – Julie Robinson, MenoHealth Founder.

At MenoHealth, Julie empowers women going through menopause to live their best lives by providing exercise classes, practical support and sisterhood.

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